Line Dancing: Adding LIFE to my Years & Years to my LIFE!!
Line Dancing: Adding LIFE to my Years & Years to my LIFE!!
Much work to do!! Thank God for willing Choreographers to help construct this page.
DID YOU KNOW? 6480 dances in ULDC database (& growing) with over 1000 Choreographer - Collaboration Groupings.
List of dances/choreographers in
Thanks Nichol Poyntz.
1st A WORD from Kenny J
“Anyone can create a line dance, but not everybody should... “ Kenneth Johnson
Posted by Kenny J on Universal Line Dancing -- 17 June 2014
Hello LDF.
I normally shy away from responding to the various controversial post on Facebook. But this time I thought I'd share my thoughts in response to a post from Anthony LiteFoot Coleman. The subject matter is doing multiple dances to a particular song. Now, please understand, because it is what I believe and what I say, does not make it right, it only makes it my opinion. However, my opinion goes out to the choreographers of the Soul Line Dance world, especially to those of you that find a problem with folks during another dance than the one you choreographed.
Several years ago, I was approached by a choreographer that was upset because some folks were doing a different dance than the dance this person choreographed. They went on to tell me how disrespectful it was, and that perhaps people were not doing their particular dance because they were mad at them or didn't like them.
I never shared a little piece I wrote about the subject matter, but I think I'll take the time to share it now. I call it...
You Ain’t Heard It From Me, But Kenny J Said…
Anybody Can Create A Line Dance, But Not Everybody Should…
Have you been here before? You’re sitting at home listening to the radio when you hear what you think is the latest beat. To you, the beat is bumping and the music is all that. It’s that song that you believe will surely bring everyone to the dance floor when played at the club. So, you get out of your seat, you start dancing, and you probably say to yourself;
“Self, I'm going to create a line dance!”
Trust me, I know the feeling; I’ve been there before.
That’s okay and perfectly acceptable. But, here are some things you will have to think about before creating that dance. But let me say this first, these things should not (and I insist that they do not) prohibit you from creating, but you must be aware that…
Not everyone is going to like your dance.
Not everyone will be able to do your dance
If the song is hot, someone else may be creating a dance to the same song
On the other hand, just because the song is hot to you, it’s not hot to everyone else
Some people like dances with simple steps
Some people like dances with complex steps
Bottom line; don’t take it personal, but your dance may not be an instant hit!
With this being said, I am a firm believer in, “anybody can create a dance, but not everybody should. I am a line dance instructor and as an instructor I think it is my job to teach the dances that have been created. It is not my job to judge your dance. You will never hear me tell you your dance is not a good dance, or I don’t like your dance. These are opinions and everybody has one. I’ll save my opinions of your dance for after the public has had an opportunity to see and do your dance.
What I will tell you is that I’ll teach your dance or let you teach the dance to my students. However, you must be prepared for rejection as well as acceptance. The line dancer will not hesitate to tell you if they like your dance. But, you must be able to read between the lines, because it is not always verbalized. They’ll sigh, they’ll hiss and moan and whisper to their friends. Some will sit down during the instructional portion, and then some will even whisper in my ear; “why are we doing this dance?” or “I don’t like this, could we not do it again!”
As an instructor, I do listen to my students. I am not talking about one person in a class of 30 saying they don’t like the dance. That is definitely not fair. I am talking about a majority. If the class isn’t feeling a certain dance I try to stay away from it (in that particular class only). But keep in mind I will allow the dance to be taught/shown at least twice in any of my classes. I consider this - giving the dance a chance.
Currently the line dance world as we know it is being saturated with new dances. This is both good and bad depending upon whom you speak with (we’ll cover that topic in another issue). Some of the dances are here to stay and some will be gone tomorrow. That’s just the reality of the scene. What you the creator will have to ask yourself; is can you separate yourself from the dance. What I mean here is, if your dance is a success it is not because you created, it is because you created a good dance. If your dance is not a success, it too is not because you created it. It is because you did not create a good dance. If you take it personal and believe that people are not doing your dance because they don’t like you, then you’re truly creating the dance for the wrong reason. This is a prime example of you not being able to separate yourself from the dance. And if you can’t separate yourself from the dance, then you should not be creating a dance.
Here’s the deal…
If you can separate yourself, you are the “anybody that can create a dance”
If you can’t separate yourself from the dance, then you are the “not everybody should.”
But just remember this, when you say, “Self, I’m going to create a line dance!”
Anybody Can Create A Line Dance, But Not Everybody Should…